петак, 21. фебруар 2014.

4th ODS webinar on Erasmus+

Dear Colleague,

Please find details of the 4th ODS Webinar on "How to build a strong Action Plan/European Development Plan for your school according to the Erasmus+ Framework". The webinar will take place on Friday 21st of February 2014 at 15:00 (CET).

This webinar will be offered to the Open Discovery Space pilot schools and to schools that are in the process of joining in. Selectively, it could serve as a dissemination event for schools intending to come on board, especially in countries with a small number of pilot schools. Therefore, the webinar aims at both speeding up the process of Action Plan collection according to the ODS requirements of the second year in the pilot implementation phase and offering support to our community of ODS schools on how to approach the new Erasmus+ framework.  

Please make sure that you forward the attached invitation to interested parties and not just this email.  

Kind regards,

Stephanos Cherouvis
Research & Development Department
Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Address: Dimitriou Panagea, GR-15351, 
Pallini, Athens, Greece
URL: www.ea.gr

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